Friday, November 29, 2019

Thinking About Bill, Dead of Aids by Miller Williams free essay sample

â€Å"Thinking about Bill, Dead of AIDS,† by Miller Williams is a poem written as an elegy to Bill, and all other victims of the AIDS epidemic. In this poem the narrator is speaking about his friend dying of AIDS. Instead of speaking of just his emotions towards his friend dying, the narrator uses words such as â€Å"we† and â€Å"us,† speaking of many people feeling sorrow. Millers poem personifies the national mood in the form of a poem about, and more appropriately to, Bill, a presumed friend who has died of AIDS. In this poem Mr. Miller addresses straight on the ignorance people had about the cause and effect of the AIDS disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Thinking About Bill, Dead of Aids by Miller Williams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It discusses the emotions of trying to overcome ones fear of the likelihood of being infected by interacting with the diseased and to be with them in their painful times. It addresses the difficulties in doing this due to the fact that our society has made it impossible to understand the suffering and pain that Bill is enduring by painting an ignorant picture of the AIDS disease. The poem is set on the time presumably in the 1980s when little was known about the virus which caused AIDS. All that truly known was AIDS was deadly and there was no cure. As such, people who were infected with the disease were often treated with hatred and outcast from the society. The unfortunate result was many of these people died alone and in poverty, the opposite of how society typically treats its sick and dying. This poem highlights the questions and fears that dominated society during this time of the AIDS era.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Choking The Chicks

were probably never meant to leave the concert hall, â€Å"there is no containing a controversial comment once it hits the internet and talk radio.† ( ) Maines’ comment was quickly followed by an onslaught of criticism and the removal of the top band’s songs from radio play lists. One of the freedoms I value as an American is that of free speech. With this my mind raises the following question: Are we no longer allowed to voice our opinions of how we truly feel about our government? This is not to say that Natalie’s comments were appropriate in that setting, but none-the-less many would say that her opinion should be respected. What is happening to America, if we cannot exercise our civil liberties and speak out when we disagree with our government? In my view, not the media’s, I believe this is what is happening. Many have stood out and said they will not support the Dixie Chicks anymore. That is not stifling their freedoms. That is a freedom, a freedom that many do not seem to understand. If I choose not to buy their music, watch concerts, or agree with them, I am somehow made out to be taking away their rights. On that note, Should radio stations be able to blacklist artists that liberally speak views that counter public opinion? The Constitution of the United States clearly declares that â€Å"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It does not impose any obligations on radio stations as they are not government entities. It is not constitutionally guaranteed for artists to have their music played on the radio. We are also granted the freedom of expres... Free Essays on Choking The Chicks Free Essays on Choking The Chicks Choking The Chicks â€Å"Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas† It was these fifteen words spoken by Dixie Chicks’ singer Natalie Maines that rekindled the controversy of our Constitution’s first amendment. Although these words were probably never meant to leave the concert hall, â€Å"there is no containing a controversial comment once it hits the internet and talk radio.† ( ) Maines’ comment was quickly followed by an onslaught of criticism and the removal of the top band’s songs from radio play lists. One of the freedoms I value as an American is that of free speech. With this my mind raises the following question: Are we no longer allowed to voice our opinions of how we truly feel about our government? This is not to say that Natalie’s comments were appropriate in that setting, but none-the-less many would say that her opinion should be respected. What is happening to America, if we cannot exercise our civil liberties and speak out when we disagree with our government? In my view, not the media’s, I believe this is what is happening. Many have stood out and said they will not support the Dixie Chicks anymore. That is not stifling their freedoms. That is a freedom, a freedom that many do not seem to understand. If I choose not to buy their music, watch concerts, or agree with them, I am somehow made out to be taking away their rights. On that note, Should radio stations be able to blacklist artists that liberally speak views that counter public opinion? The Constitution of the United States clearly declares that â€Å"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It does not impose any obligations on radio stations as they are not government entities. It is not constitutionally guaranteed for artists to have their music played on the radio. We are also granted the freedom of expres...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizations and Terms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations and Terms - Essay Example In this case, I shall examine the group known as the Al Shabaab militia. Al-Shabaab`s headquarters is situated in the coastal city of Kismayo, Somalia with several bases of operations in southern Somalia, Kenya, and Uganda. Al-Shabaab got designated a terrorist organization by the Federal Bureau of Investigations after the bombing of the World Trade Center by Al-Qaeda (Kelley 36). The name Al-Shabaab means ’’youth’’ in Arabic. Al-Shabaab. Other names used to refer to it include, Ash-Shabaab or Hizbul Shabaab, which means a party of the youth. It belongs to a much larger group known as HSM that stands for â€Å"Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahidden.† Al-Shabaab originated from a faction that broke off from the Islamic Courts Union, following its defeat in 2006 by the joint forces of the Somali transitional government and their Ethiopian allies. The federal bureau of investigations had listed Somalia as failed state for almost twenty years due to the lack of peace due to the civil war. In 2001, the Federal Bureau of Investigations officially recognized Al-Shabaab as a terrorist organization they attacked the United State`s embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Prior to these attacks, their fellow brothers in arms the Al -Qaeda had bombed the World Trade Center in September 2001. This was in retaliation for the United States had invaded the Middle East to quell the Taliban insurgency. Since Al-Shabaab is closest to both countries, carrying out these simultaneous attacks was rather easy. The Federal Bureau of Investigations states that for an organization to be classified as a terrorist organization, it must have crossed a few thresholds. Such as having weapons of mass destruction, have a few thousand followers, and it has to be well connected. Al-Shabaab also has ties with most of the other terrorist organizations all over the world. For

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

God In The Jewish Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

God In The Jewish Tradition - Essay Example Clearly, the meaning of God is one that is uniquely personal to each and every person. Only the individual can decide what God means to them which is based to a great degree on the individual's values and personal beliefs. The role that God plays in that individual's life and religion will be strongly based on these subjective assessments, but it will also be strongly influenced by the teachings of the synagogue, the rabbi, and the traditions that the individual experienced as they grew. In many tales of the Jewish faith, it was God who helped keep the Israelites alive throughout all their various persecutions through history, creating a type of human-like heroic identity. It was God who led them out of Israel and slavery and it was God who spoke to them through burning bushes and from mountaintops while they wandered in the desert, giving them help and direction. Mordecai Kaplan, known as the father of Reconstructionism, who pushed this type of identification of God. In his writings , he said that God chose the Jews and determined to help them with their success (Kaplan, 1937). However, Kaplan was not necessarily suggesting that God was a personality. Instead, he was attempting to say that God was something greater than this. He said, â€Å"God is neither a being nor a philosophical abstraction. God is a creative force in the universe. He was an inspiration for the Jews and the voice that gave with both hands" (1937). Even here, though, God seems to be a greater than normal personality.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business decision making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business decision making - Assignment Example During the research, the researcher primarily focussed upon factors that influence the purchase of consumer drinks such as, consumer profile, preference and attitude. In market research, especially in retail industry, the role of primary data is very crucial. Given the scenario, the data will be useful for determining the product’s potential market and support validity and reliability of the research report. The questionnaire in this research will have close-ended questions so that data can be generated from participants without any hassle. Furthermore, a close-ended questionnaire will minimise ambiguity and confusion on the part of participants as well as researcher. In addition to questionnaire survey, the researcher will also observe the participants through face-to-face interview. The interview will be semi-formal in nature, where the researcher will ask relevant questions in order to support data generated through questionnaire. The sole reason for selecting interview method along with questionnaire survey is to access consumers’ behaviour and attitude, which are generally not expressed verbally (Scandura and Williams, 2000). The questionnaire and interview methods are quite helpful for in-depth study and wide coverage. However, the methods can often prove time consuming and costly under certain circumstances. Personal interview involve direct interaction between participants and researcher, which may increase scope of personal biasness in the research process (Patton, 2005). A sampling technique forms the foundation of data collection method. There are mainly two kinds of sampling techniques; probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Keeping in view the project requirements, the researcher will implement probability sampling method such as, simple random sampling. Under simple random sampling, the researcher will select participants randomly so as to develop a rational

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Webers View on Modern Society

Webers View on Modern Society Discuss the Characteristics of Modern Society According to Weber Introduction What is known as classical sociology is found in the work of Comte, Durkheim, Marx and Weber. Weber and the other classicists attempted to explain the origins of modern industrial society and the elements that worked both for and against it. Like Comte and Durkheim Weber believed that scientific and technological advances would do away with humanity’s need of religion. Old ideas of magic would disappear and the world would become ‘disenchanted’ and society would become increasingly rational. Beginning with the distinction between rationality and rationalisation, his paper will discuss the characteristics of modern society according to Weber. Rationality and Rationalisation Rationality, in Weber’s thought refers to social actions being the result of a rational process of the calculation of the means and ends of actions. Rationalisation on the other hand refers to an overall historical process whereby scientific knowledge and rational action come to dominate social reality (Morrison, 1995).[1] Modern Society and Conflict Weber is noted for his historical grasp of the political, legal, economic, and religious development of modern western societies (Morrison, 1995).[2] He was concerned interested in issues of power and conflict in society, the different interest groups in society implied that state institutions were necessary if order was to be maintained. As legislation increased, however, the administration would be less effective. He rejected Marx’s materialist view of history and did not agree with Marx on the importance of class conflict. In Weber’s view class was just one type of inequality among many others (Giddens, 2001).[3] Sociology, Weber believed, should concentrate more on social action and less on social structure. It was his contention that Marx had laid too much stress on economics. Capitalism was only one factor in the shaping of modern societies, Weber held that culture and politics deserved equal consideration. The inter-connectedness of social spheres, Weber believed , was a key factor for understanding the development of modern society (Marsh, 2000). According to Turner (1999) humanity’s place in modern society was problematic for Weber because he believed that human beings were alienated from themselves and the world in which they lived. Weber did not believe, as did Durkheim and Marx, that structures had an independent existence from individuals. Rather he maintained that structures were a result of a complex interplay of human action. Thus Weber argued that social change came about as the result of human motivation and ideas, and that these were powerful agents of the transformation of societies (Giddens, 2001).Although Weber was an atheist he believed that religion influenced people’s ideas and practices and that this had an effect in the world. Weber did not believe, as did Marx, that capitalism came about as a result of greed. Nor did he agree with Marx that it was the result of class conflict, rather it was due to an emphasis on science and the bureaucracy of large organisations. Weber argued that Protestants regarded earning a living as a sacred duty and financial success as a sign of God’s grace. It was this belief, Weber said that led to self-control and regulation, thus Protestantism contribut ed to the rationalisation of everyday life (Hughes, Martin and Sharrock, 1995). For Weber, a major facet of the development of modern societies was the rationalisation of production. Rationalisation The concept of rationalisation, according to Weber (1967) was endemic to modern society, and it was to be found in all large organisations. Such organisations are tightly regulated and predictability and impersonality are their defining characteristics. The members of large organisations can become dehumanised, because with in it, social relations are defined purely in functional terms. Bureaucracy grew out of the increasing rationalisation, which, in modern society, affected all areas of life. As society continued in its rational progression then this would become evident in its social institutions which would, in turn, become more formal. This process would also lead to a decrease in people’s reliance on traditional beliefs, and an increase in the making of rational decisions that had a direct purpose.(Hughes, Martin and Sharrock, 1995). Weber believed that religion predisposed people to order their lives in terms of rational action and this meant that they earned more than they needed. Turner (1999) maintains that: This striving for world mastery did not lead however to a satisfaction with the meaningfulness of everyday life, but rather resulted in a continuing disenchantment with reality which drove out moral significance from everyday life (Turner, 1999:9). Religious and moral disenchantment, Weber contended, would be the end result of increasing bureaucratisation and the rationalisation of social relations. He termed the increasing rationalisation and bureaucratisation of western society as an ‘iron cage’ (Turner, 1999). The impact of western society on the rest of the world was due to its command of industrial resources and its superior military power (Giddens, 2001). Modern societies, in Weber’s view, were especially characterised by what he termed the development of rational/legal authority. Authority in Modern Society Weber believed that authority was invested in the state, the source of the nation state, he maintained was the pre-capitalist conflicts between absolutist rulers. Weber favoured capitalist democracies rather than socialism and believed that in order to maintain a balance in the amount of authority the state had, it was necessary to have a strong private sector. He also believed that increasing rationalisation and bureaucratisation would have a deleterious effect on democracy. Authority, he maintained was in the hands of certain types of individuals and thus he developed a theory of ideal types as a means of understanding the world. These should be seen as a reference point rather than having an existence in the real world (Giddens, 2001). Thus the type of society identified by Weber as modern society is identified most especially by the development of rationalisation and bureaucratisation. The ideal type is used to form an ideal picture of a shift occurring in society by reason of ce rtain historical factors (Weber, quoted in Brown, 1995 p. 271). Weber used the notion of ideal types to develop an understanding of the kinds of activities that can be assigned as features of empirical reality. Conclusion Weber’s work has been influential in sociology’s understanding of the defining features of modern society. Weber’s thinking on rationalisation and bureaucratisation have been a useful analytic tool for those attempting to understand modern societies. However, he has been criticised for being too determininistic. The rise of science, for example, has not completely taken over from religious belief as Weber predicted it would and his notion of bureaucratic organisations as iron cages neglects the fact the very often people will use bureaucracies to stem the tide of certain rules and regulations rather than be totally constricted within the organisation. Nevertheless Weber’s analysis continues to be a useful and fascinating analysis of the development of modern industrial societies. In addition to this his work on human choice and action were pivotal to the development symbolic interactionism and interpretative social research. Bibliography Brown, K 1995. Marx, Durkheim, Weber Formations of Modern Social Thought London, Sage. Giddens, A. 2001. Sociology. Cambridge, Polity Press. Hamilton, M 1995 Sociology of Religion London, Routledge Hughes, J. Martin, P. and Sharrock, W. 1995 Understanding Classical Sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim. Sage, London Turner, B. 1999. Classical Sociology. Sage.London Walsh, I ed. 2000 Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Edinburgh, Prentice Hall. Weber, M 1967 â€Å"The Social Psychology of World Religions† in Gerth, H and Wright-Mills , C. 1967 eds From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology New York, Oxford University Press pp.267-301 1 Footnotes [1] See Morrison page 220 [2] See Morrison page 213 [3] See Giddens page 673

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers fc

Compare ‘Gallipoli’ and ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ in terms of the:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Boys’ attitude to war  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reasons for enlistment  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Experiences on the front How do these change their attitude to war? What does this tell you about the similarities and differences the Australian’s and German’s experiences? Analysis of Major Characters Paul Bà ¤umer As the novel’s narrator and protagonist, Paul is the central figure in All Quiet on the Western Front and serves as the mouthpiece for Remarque’s meditations about war. Throughout the novel, Paul’s inner personality is contrasted with the way the war forces him to act and feel. His memories of the time before the war show that he was once a very different man from the despairing soldier who now narrates the novel. Paul is a compassionate and sensitive young man; before the war, he loved his family and wrote poetry. Because of the horror of the war and the anxiety it induces, Paul, like other soldiers, learns to disconnect his mind from his feelings, keeping his emotions at bay in order to preserve his sanity and survive. As a result, the compassionate young man becomes unable to mourn his dead comrades, unable to feel at home among his family, unable to express his feelings about the war or even talk about his experiences, unable to remember the past fully, and unable to conceive of a future without war. He also becomes a â€Å"human animal,† capable of relying on animal instinct to kill and survive in battle. But because Paul is extremely sensitive, he is somewhat less able than many of the other soldiers to detach himself completely from his feelings, and there are several moments in the book (Kemmerich’s death, Kat’s death, the time that he spends with his ill mother) when he feels himself pulled down by emotion. These surging feelings indicate the extent to which war has programmed Paul to cut himself off from feeling, as when he says, with devastating understatement, â€Å"Parting from my friend Albert Kropp was very hard. But a man gets used to that sort of thing in the ar my.† Paul’s experience is intended to represent the experience of a whole generation of men, the so-called lost generation—men who went straight from childhood to fighting in World War I, often as adolescents. Paul frequently considers the past and the future from the perspective of his entire generation, noting that, when the war ends, he and his friends will not know what to do, as they have learned to be adults only while fighting the war.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mountain Man Brewing Company Case Analysis

Mountain Man Brewing Company does not want to go another year with revenue lost from Mountain Man Lager. By adding a light beer to the product line it could gain loyalty from a younger crowd and attract more then just the workingman. At the same time he does not want to lose the brand equality that has taken years to create. He is also faced with solid monopolies in the beer world that make it hard to keep up. Chris is faced with a hard decision, will taking a chance and changing the image really be the right move for Mountain Man. By introducing a new product line called Mountain Man Light the company would be able to reach a broader audience. They would no longer focus on the workingman, they would appeal to a younger generation of beer drinkers. They would also be able to gain a woman base, women being extremely heath cautious would be more likely to purchase the beer if it came to a â€Å"light† version with fewer calories. By launching a Mountain Man Light it would also play down most peoples perception of the Mountain Man Original being too strong and only a manly mans beer. Mountain Man Brewing Company is a beer for the workingman. It has been around since 1925 and has gained strong loyalty from the baby boomer generation. Mountain Man has strong brand awareness down south and if you asked anyone over the 21 they are more then likely able to recognize the name even if they do not drink it themselves. The brand has been able to stay in the game with strong competitors such as, Anheuser Bush, Miller, and Adolf Coors. The uniqueness of the taste along with the higher then average alcohol content is what makes its loyal customers coming back for more. One alternative to look at for the Mountain Man Brewing Company is to look and see how hard it would be to distribute it into restraints and local bars with the option to have it available on draft. By putting extra money into re-promoting the same recipe it would be a lot less costly. By offering specials at local bars such as dollar Mountain Man’s on Tuesday nights would introduce the beer to a younger generation. Since the younger generation is the one to target because they do not have a beer preference yet this is a way that could get them hooked and at the same time make them proud to share a six pack that both the young 21 year old and his 55-year-old dad would both enjoy by keeping the tradition of Mountain Man beer alive. Other alternatives could be to go with the Mountain Man Light and don’t play it safe what so ever. If you're going to be successful, your products must be different. Mountain Man should use loud colors to attract people attention, along with changing up the shape of your average beer bottle. Other ways to not play it safe while promoting Mountain Man Light could be to use non-traditional shelving system. Instead of taking valuable shelving space away from Mountain Man place 6 or 12 packs in the middle of isles in a pyramid shape, that way people do not associate the two as much. My recommendation to the Mountain Man Brewing Company would be to keep the product just how it is and not introduce a Mountain Man Light. If a brand is able to last generation after generation there is a reason for this. Strong brand awareness is hard to come by with so many new beer products appearing on the shelves each times you walk into any convenience store. The recognizable taste and working man persona is what kept them in the game year after year. If the company wants to boost revenue and assure they last in the future I would look into prompting at local bars and giving the younger crowd a chance to try the beer and even change their old perception about it. West Virginia’s beer should stay as just that and keep the tradition alive.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Intro Logic and Academic Writing Essay

Intro Logic and Academic Writing Essay Intro: Logic and Academic Writing Essay INTRODUCTION SUMMARY: The introduction of â€Å"They Say, I Say† discusses Entering the Conversation Often without consciously realizing it, accomplished writers rely on a stock of established moves that are crucial for communicating sophisticated ideas. This inventory of basic moves is probably picked up by reading a wide range of other accomplished writers. Less experienced writers, by contrast, are often unfamiliar with these basic moves, and unsure how to make them in their own writing. These basic moves are so common that they can be represented in templates that you can use right away to structure and even generate your own writing. It is true, of course, that critical thinking and writing go deeper than any set of linguistic formulas, requiring that you question assumptions, develop strong claims, offer supporting reasons and evidence, consider opposing arguments, and so on. But these deeper habits of thought cannot be put into practice unless you have a language for expressing them in clear, organized ways. STATE YOUR OWN IDEAS AS A RESPONSE TO OTHERS It is important not only to express your ideas (â€Å"I say†), but to present those ideas as a response to some other person or group ("they say"). The underlying structure of effective academic writing is not just in stating our own ideas, but in listening closely to others around us, summarizing their views in a way that they will recognize, and responding with our own ideas in kind. Broadly speaking, academic writing is argumentative writing, and we believe that to argue well you need to do more than assert your own ideas. You need to enter a conversati on, using what others say (or might say) as a launching pad or sounding board for your own ideas. For this reason, you need to write the voices of others into your text. The best academic writing has one underlying feature: it is deeply engaged in some way with other people’s views. Too often, however, academic writing is taught as a process of saying â€Å"true† or â€Å"smart† things in a vacuum, as if it were possible to argue

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Edgar Allen Poes Anabelle Lee

Edgar Allen Poes Anabelle Lee Edgar Allen Poe's poem "Annabel Lee" represents the unfortunate demise of Annabel Lee. The poem begins by introducing, Annabel Lee and how someone feels about her. "That a maiden there lived whom you may know by the name of Annabel Lee; and this maiden she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me" (5). This stanza exemplifies how this person feels about Annabel Lee. According to this verse. Annabel Lee is the love of his life, and nothing else matters to him.Unfortunately, he is not the only one in love with Annabel Lee, "With a love that the winged seraphs in Heaven coveted her and me" (10). This specific stanza is a representation on how the Winged Seraphs (Angels) in heaven also desire the Annabel Lee. The angels desire for the lovely Annabel Lee is a maxim, which signifies that the death is imminent, and that the lord and the male relatives in her family request her presence in heaven.English: The cover of the January, 1850 Sartain's ..."And this was the reason that, long ago, in this kingdom by the sea, a wind blew out of a cloud, chilling my beautiful Annabel Lee; so that her high-born kinsmen came and bore her away from me, to shut her up in a sepulchre, in this kingdom by the sea" (20). Annabel Lee has passed away, the wind represents the sprits, taken her away to the place where she is put to eternal rest, which in this case is, a kingdom by the see.Overwhelmed with love for the lovely Annabel Lee, regardless how the spirits and demons view him he remains faithful to her, and expresses his love for Annabel. "And neither the angels in Heaven above, nor the demons down under...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Public International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Public International law - Essay Example With the approval of the majority of the Assembly, the Council may name additional Members of the League whose Representatives shall always be members of the Council; the Council, with like approval may increase the number of Members of the League to be selected by the Assembly for representation on the Council. Any Member of the League not represented on the Council shall be invited to send a Representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Council during the consideration of matters specially affecting the interests of that Member of the League.Article 5 All matters of procedure at meetings of the Assembly or of the Council, including the appointment of Committees to investigate particular matters, shall be regulated by the Assembly or by the Council and may be decided by a majority of the Members of the League represented at the meeting. Article 6 The permanent Secretariat shall be established at the Seat of the League. The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary General and such secretaries and staff as may be required. Secretary General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the Assembly. The secretaries and staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council. ... Secretary General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the Assembly. The secretaries and staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council. The Secretary General shall act in that capacity at all meetings of the Assembly and of the Council. Article 7 The Seat of the League is established at Geneva, Switzerland. Representatives of the Members of the League and officials of the League when engaged on the business of the League shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. The buildings and other property occupied by the League or its officials or by Representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable. ART 3 to 6 Charter of United Nations on MEMBERSHIP requirements have almost the same requirements. PEACE AND ORDER (Art 8 - 17) Article 8. The Members of the League recognises that the maintenance of peace requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations. The Council, taking account of the geographical situation and circumstances of each State, shall formulate plans for such reduction for the consideration and action of the several Governments. Such plans shall be subject to reconsideration and revision at least every ten years. After these plans shall have been adopted by the several Governments, the limits of armaments therein fixed shall not be exceeded without the concurrence of the Council. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to advise the Council on the execution of the provisions of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, naval and air questions generally. Article 10 The Members of the League

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Duchamp, Segal, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Oldenburg, Lichtenstein Assignment

Duchamp, Segal, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Oldenburg, Lichtenstein - Assignment Example The paper "Duchamp, Segal, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Oldenburg, Lichtenstein" discovers the famous artists of the 20th century. Marcel Duchamp and was interested to put art back to the service of the mind. He distanced himself from the traditional artistic methods and paintings, relying on seducing the view through irony and verbal witticism instead of relying on the aesthetical appeal as other artists did. George Segal was a Jewish. He is known for â€Å"Pop Art† movement. His technique was however different form pop art due to closely relating his work to human values and personal experiences. He chose to deal with places that were familiar to him, rather than the elegant topics. His artistic work led to creation of close up drawings of human expressions and was known for his humanistic passion. Robert Rauschenberg was an American born in Texas and studied pharmacology. His unique artistic style involved the use of newspapers to make long silk screens cardboards, and early Egypt ians which is a series of wall reliefs and sculptures constructed from used boxes. He also made a lot of prints on silk where he made colorful silk walls and floor works. Rauschenberg later began to use his black and white photographs and was more recognized for the  ¼ Mile or Two Furlong Piece that was conceived to be the longest artwork in the world portraying his unique photographic techniques and horology of his imagery. Claes Oldenburg was born in Stockholm in 1929, but his family settled in Chicago in 1936.